Monday 9 May 2011

I wrote you my life

I wrote you my life

In bits and pieces..
Through words and rhymes...
On the sides of notebooks and blank postcards...

I wrote you my life

One by one I spilled my secrets
All dreams and desires
All circles and stars and broken glasses

And I wrote you my life

I wrote you my smiles
I wrote you my loneliness
I wrote you my tears and broken hearts

I still write to you

Under stars on a pitch black night
Sometimes on a beach with crystal blue water
On the balcony in my corner in this complicated city

I wrote you my life and I write to you of days that haven't seen me yet...
But today I threw all these in the air and they floated away like lost petals of a dried flower

I hope they float to you..
If you read them someday, do reply...

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